Abstracts of records of selected monthly meetings in North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York City, Long Island, Ohio, and Virginia. In 1811, under his leadership, a party of thirty or more left North Carolina, and arrived in Indiana Territory, where they stopped at the stockade at Half Moon Spring, near Lick Creek, in what is now Orange Co. From Maryland … Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quakers recorded … Quaker Sanctions. During the first fifty years of British settlement in North Carolina, Quakers held a number of public offices and made up a large portion of the elected representatives in the General Assembly. North Carolina Births and Christenings, 1866-1964 Family Search . Philadelphia [p.127] Birth & Death Records, page 132 First month, Second Month, Third Month substituted for the names of months. Many early leaders of the anti-slavery, anti-war and woman’s rights movements have been Quakers. In order to best use this collection, you will want to understand the records and what you can expect to find in them. Although NCYM survived the Hicksite division that rocked Friends' yearly meetings in Pennsylvania and the midwest, similar conflicts divided NCYM in the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries, resulting in new organizations: North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) in 1904, Atlantic Friends Christian Ministries about 2016, and a reorganization into Friends Church of North Carolina and North Carolina Friends Fellowship in 2017. North Carolina, prior to the Revolution, was a destination. Ararat Friends Meeting. North Carolina Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends started around 1680 in northeastern North Carolina, and included monthly meetings (churches) in North and South Carolina, … Everyone In North Carolina Should Visit This Quaker Community Settled Before The Revolutionary War. This database contains Quaker monthly meeting records which are archived at the following Quaker colleges: Earlham (Indiana), Guilford (North Carolina), Haverford and Swarthmore (Pennsylvania). Pleasant (Grayson Co., Va.), Gum Swamp (S.C.), Little Creek, Muddy Creek, Newberry,Sandy Branch, Sandy Springs, Summerfield, Dover/Upper Reedy Fork, Kernersville, Dutchman Creek, Winston-Salem, Pomona/Spring Garden St., Naomi's Chapel, Raleigh, and Glenwood. Laid down 1954. Major religious denominations were established in North Carolina in the following years: Society of Friends (Quakers) (1672), Anglican/Episcopal (1700), Baptist (1727), Presbyterian (1730), Lutheran (1740), Moravian (1753), and Methodist (1772). Each volume has a surname index. Quaker Marriage Certificates Pasquotank, Perquimans – Monthly Meetings, North Carolina 1677-1800 print Minutes and Records Perquimans Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in North Carolina … An attempt to record basic historical information (former name, parent bodies, location, meeting genealogy, records-storage locations, records known extant) about every monthly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends that has ever existed in North America. North Carolina was also a refuge. This webinar will examine the creation of Quaker records and their meaning for the researcher. North Carolina birth certificates, 1913-1922 Family History Library . .25th of the 5 mo. Martha Hopkins (form Cox) dis mou [p.611] BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS page 615 - Cornelia Frances Dixon, dt. Learn how to research the “Friends” records for your family history. In 1809 Jonathan Lindley visited Indiana Territory with a land—seeking party, and purchased land in what is now Vigo Co. William & Lucy Hopkins Norwood, b. Death recordsmig… It is the oldest European religion in NC. References: Quaker Meeting Records. Marriage recordsinclude names of the bride and groom (including maiden name), parents' names, everyone's place of residence, witnesses 3. Quaker Gap Genealogy (in Stokes County, NC) USA (1,111,104) > North Carolina (53,745) > Stokes County (554) > Quaker Gap (8). Duis varius, dui in elementum venenatis, nulla dui consectetuer nulla, ut porta nunc erat sit amet lacus. These names were only recorded in the minutes in the early years, and were not indexed. MM 1883, in NCYM until 1991. The purpose of the North Carolina Friends Historical Society is to support the collection and preservation of and publish valuable information relative to the history of the Society of Friends in North Carolina and adjacent territories and to work in harmony and cooperation with the Quaker Archives at Guilford College. 1698. Many users of Quaker records find that the way in which Quakers dated letters, minutes and other documents, particularly before 1752, poses problems. This database contains an index extracted from various Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, death records. One Quaker, John Archdale, became Governor of North Carolina from 1695-6. QuakerMeetings.com - Monthly Meetings in North America: A Quaker Index. 1870. Phasellus … North Carolina, prior to the Revolution, was a destination. Postal code . Many of these records have been indexed or microfilmed. There are virtually no other references to large-scale Quaker immigration into North Carolina … Quaker Genealogy is some of the most rewarding research. Airy, Pine Hill, Pilot Mountain, Revis Town (Reaviston? Quakers became an important part of North Carolina’s population up to 1800 when most of ... Their marriages were recorded separate from the state and must be sought among Quaker meeting records. By 1751, as many as … North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative), Piedmont Friends Fellowship and Yearly Meeting, Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association, https://library.guilford.edu/quakerrecords. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. The Guildford College Hege Library in Greensboro, North Carolina – Features the Friends Historical Collection including many of the records … USA (1,111,104) > North Carolina (53,745) > North Carolina Birth Records (317) Statewide Birth Records. The Quakers in North Carolina left a lasting template on the minds and characters of the state. QUAKER North Carolina R 975.614 B626Q Quaker Marriage Certificates: Pasquotank, Perquimans, Piney Woods, and Suttons Creek Monthly Meetings, North Carolina, 1677–1800 R 975.662 H656N New Garden Friends Meeting: The Christian People Called Quakers … Quakers are members of a religious group that began in England in the 1640s. Although the Quakers conducted meetings on four levels, the monthly meeting records hold the details of the most genealogical value for researchers. Philadelphia [p.127] Birth & Death Records… Meeting/Organization Name . Quakers Making Amends Once a Quaker had married out of unity or contrary to discipline the process of reinstatement in the Quaker faith could be lengthy and complex. Craig R. Scott This webinar will examine the creation of Quaker records and their meaning for the researcher. View details for this meeting. In 1811, under … Originally Cane Creek Quarterly Meeting. historians of North Carolina Quaker history have overgeneralized that North Carolina Quakers from all North Carolina regions migrated for the same reasons, especially, ... minutes, marriage records, birth and death, and migrations of Friends, among other Quaker tenets, were tediously recorded by … As of 2018, NCYM has been legally superceded by North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Inc. Started ca. North Carolina Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends started around 1680 in northeastern North Carolina, and included monthly meetings (churches) in North and South Carolina, parts of Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee in the nineteenth century. Quarterly Meeting (for Contentnea MM, see Nahunta MM). William Wade Hinshaw’s Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy consists of six volumes, each dealing with a different region, and is supplemented by Willard Heiss’s Abstracts of the Records of the Society of Friends in Indiana in seven parts. 8- 5-1873. married 11-21-1897. Non-Quakers were permitted to attend weddings and signed the marriage certificate, as a result some of the witnesses at a Quaker wedding were not members of the Society of Friends. Quakers in North Carolina and Beyond. I: (North Carolina Yearly Meeting) Browse this collection. Finding Hinshaw. They felt that all could live together in peace if they followed the Holy Spirit. Friends at New Garden … The reasons for migration and migration patterns before and after the Revolutionary War will also be explored. North Carolina [p.370] MINUTES AND MARRIAGE RECORDS page 382 - 1785, 7, 2. Volume I of Hinshaw is the abstract of the early records of North and South Carolina… The Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy is a six-volume compendium of vital facts relating to some of the Quaker meetings in a few states.. What You Can Find in the Records. Quakers Making Amends Once a Quaker had married out of unity or contrary to discipline the process of reinstatement in the Quaker … They brought the name with them from the New Garden Meeting in Chester County, Pennsylvania.. . I am attemping to extract some of the material from this resource for your use. Notice of the transfer was written into the minutes of the original meeting, and was also noted as received in the new meeting. Friends at New Garden requested this meeting to Grant them the privilege of holding a Monthly Meeting amongst them by Reason of the hardship they underwent in Attending the monthly meeting at Cane Creek; Quaker marriage certificates were signed by all witnesses present at the time of the marriage. Posted on March 31, 2019 by Constance H. Knox. 1994. Nearby is Quaker Lake Conference Center, a youth summer camp facility and year-round conference center. The holding is extensive, and includes baptisms, marriages, some deaths, congregational (parish/social/family issues), migration and school records, plus a complete run of 65 editions of the Annual Monitor of the Quakers … 1698 - 1786 North Carolina Yearly Meeting held first at … Since the English and English colonists in America were aware that many nations by this time used January 1st for the beginning of the new year, dates in January and February were often written as 1740/1741, meaning if one assumed the year began in January, the year was 1741, but if one was using the official English system, the year did not begin until March, so the year was still 1740. Alpheus Briggs' list of subordinate meetings includes: Back Creek, Marlboro, Bethel, Science Hill, Hopewell, Little River, Pine Ridge, Plainfield, Poplar Ridge, Salem, Uhwarrie, Holly Spring, Cedar Square, High Falls, Prosperity and Asheboro. Forty families applied to the Royal Governor of Georgia for … The Quakers established many Meeting Houses in the North Carolina Piedmont area and one was called New Garden Meeting House in Guilford County (Orange County at the time). North Carolina Birth Records. Hinshaw, William Wade. City, state or . Learn about Quaker migration, struggles between Quakers and Anglicans for power, and records left by Quaker … Ancestry.com – Quaker meeting records from 1681-1935 and Hinshaw’s Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy can be found on Ancestry.com. Dates in many of the entries are recorded according to the Quakers’ system. Each meeting kept records for individuals and families as long as they remained faithful members of the meeting and within its geographical boundaries. It is possible that during the time they attended a specific meeting, if a family or individual: did not serve on any committees, did not have children, was not married, did not move from, and was not buried, their names will not appear in the minutes. Its holdings include over 3700 linear feet of original archives: membership books, minutes, and other original records. Hinshaw’s … So they devised a numerical system; First Day was Sunday, Second Day was Monday, Third Day for Tuesday, etc. . Distance . Started ca. That community soon became known as Snow Camp. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. North Carolina, prior to the Revolution, was a destination. Monthly meeting minutes rarely include information about births and deaths. New Garden Monthly Meeting established in 1754. Quarterly Meeting. Quarterly Meeting. Martha Hopkins (form Cox) dis mou [p.611] BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS page 615 - Cornelia Frances Dixon, dt. The records of the Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, include births, deaths, marriages, migration certificates, and detailed monthly meeting minutes. Quarterly Meeting. North Carolina Quakers are centered in Greensboro, where the denomination’s major institutions are located: the yearly meeting office, Guilford College, and Friends Homes, Inc., a nationally recognized retirement community. OF. Volume 1: NORTH CAROLINA Volume II: NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA Volume III: NEW YORK Volume IV: OHIO Volume V: OHIO Volume VI: VIRGINIA" Britton, Frost, Gibson and Howsmon Hopewell records. William Wade Hinshaw's volumes on the records of these steadfast, hardy people are amazing and give us a lasting memorial to his perserverance. OR Therefore, the present day Society of Friends in North Carolina includes a variety of worship styles and theological beliefs and represents all the threads of Quakerism that have evolved since the 17th century founding. Be careful in transcribing the dates you see. Thus First month, 1751 is March, not January. This database is a collection of Indiana marriage indexes from 86 counties in the State of Indiana, USA, covering various time periods between 1800 and 1941. Additional records are listed on the county and state pages. Asheville Friends Meeting. The Hicksite-Orthodox separation, which lasted until 1955, was the largest of the splits, but was followed by a number of smaller and more regional splits. This week’s "Carolina Curious" takes us all the way back to the 17th century and a close up look at the Piedmont’s Quaker ... of detailed records. OR Quakers recorded a variety of details in their monthly meeting minutes which can be searched by name, location, and event date; or browsed by state, county, meeting, and record type. Proin tortor. Quaker Records and Migration — Presented by Craig R. Scott, CG, FUGA — This webinar will examine the creation of Quaker records and their meaning for the researcher. Its holdings include over 3700 linear feet of original archives: membership books, minutes, and other original records. This occurs primarily when members were named to committees or attended weddings. There are generally two types of monthly meeting records, minutes taken during the business meeting, and separate registers of births, marriages and burials. Seth … Friends Historical Library (FHL) is an official depository for the records of many North American yearly meetings of the Society of Friends. .25th of the 5 mo. Alpheus Briggs' list of subordinate meetings includes: New Garden, Piney Grove, Blue's Creek, Bull Run/Sherbon, Greensboro, Hopewell/Lower Reedy Fork, Mt. You may find your ancestor in either set of records, depending on where he and his family stood in the conflict at the time, so it is best to check both sets. ... settlers in North Carolina. Note: This page primarily lists records kept at the city level. Most Quaker meeting records include births, marriages and deaths as well as certificates of removal when a member moved from one congregation (meeting) to another. Meeting minutes contain a recording of all business conducted in the meeting. Later in the 19th century many meetings began to keep membership registers which incorporated more comprehensive information. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. Ancestry says the records come from: North Carolina … Please keep in mind that before England changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar in 1752, the year officially began in March. As stated above, all the earliest records for Hopewell (Opeckan) were lost in a fire in 1759 except for the first book of Births and Deaths. Alpheus Briggs' list of subordinate meetings includes: Deep Creek, Westfield (later in Surry QM), East Bend, Hunting Creek, Harmony Grove, White Plains (later in Surry QM), Blue Ridge, Charity Missions, Chestnut Creek/ Mt. Earlier records under New Garden QM. PERQUIMANS CO. As prepared from County records, Berkeley Parish Register, Quaker records, both in North Carolina, and Virginia, County records, and other records of other Counties in North Carolina, Marriage bonds in Perquimans, and Chowan, also some in Pasquotank and Gates Co, where they were pertinent to Perquimans. Index to Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy Alpheus Briggs' list of subordinate meetings includes: Deep River, Springfield, Archdale, Barker, Bethel, Cedar Grove (in Yadkin Co.), High Point, Kennett, Long Hill (in Yadkin Co.), Oak Forrest, Pine Wood, and Oak Hill. In 1809 Jonathan Lindley visited Indiana Territory with a land—seeking party, and purchased land in what is now Vigo Co. This webinar will examine the creation of Quaker records and their meaning for the researcher. Quarterly Meeting. For a full list of Quaker meetings in North America and to search by meetings geographically, see www.quakermeetings.com. Hilty, New Garden Friends Meeting: The Christian People Called Quakers (1983). In many cases, two meetings then existed where there had originally been one, each using the same meeting name and each keeping records, as required. The reasons for migration and migration patterns before and after the Revolutionary War will also be explored. QuakerMeetings.com - Monthly Meetings in North America: A Quaker Index. Why does my ancestor's name appear on an image, but is not part of the index? After 2017, divided into two religious organizations, Friends Church of North Carolina and North Carolina Friends Fellowship; superseded as a legal entity by North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Inc. FindMyPast Ireland is, at April 2018, the only online source of Irish Quaker records. When a family moved from one meeting to another, a letter (certificate of removal) was sent to the new monthly meeting they would be attending. Society of Friends, also called Quakers. Timeline and Dates. Use FHL book 973 K22h 1998 At various libraries (WorldCat), Monthly Meetings in North America: a Quaker Index, 4th ed., Rev. Records for these splinter groups did not survive in most cases. Records are found in "monthly meeting" records. However, note that Ancestry doesn't cite FamilySearch as its source for this collection of Quaker Meetings. Additional records … Pleasant (Grayson Co., Va.), Forbush, Friends Mission, Fruit Hill (Grayson Co., Va.), Swan Creek, Union, Ward Gap (Carroll Co., Va.), Winthrop, Burk Fork (Grayson Co., Va.), Maple Springs (Grayson Co., Va.), Road Creek (Grayson Co., Va.), Brannon (Branon), Pilot View, Union Cross, and Mt. Carmel. North Carolina [p.370] MINUTES AND MARRIAGE RECORDS page 382 - 1785, 7, 2. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This collection marks the first time a major collection of Quaker meeting records has been made available online with a comprehensive index. Quakers, or Friends have been known for the religious testimonies against war and slavery, and in support of simplicity and social justice. The available North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868, are now online at Ancestry.com (must be an Ancestry.com member to use them). Quaker Gap Genealogy (in Stokes County, NC) USA (1,111,104) > North Carolina (53,745) > Stokes County (554) > Quaker Gap (8). The majority of the records should contain a Quaker date and a translated date. Microfilm of originals in the Guilford College in North Carolina. To browse this image set, select from the options below. New Garden Monthly Meeting established in 1754. Alpheus Briggs' list of subordinate meetings includes: Center Valley, Friends Union, Mt. This database contains Quaker monthly meeting records which are archived at the following Quaker colleges: Earlham (Indiana), Guilford (North Carolina), Haverford and Swarthmore (Pennsylvania). Marriages for 1755-1840 and other original records Genealogy can be found in the meeting your are seeking Sound, Carolina... And Edge meeting ) and the other with NCYM ( Conservative ) elementum venenatis, nulla consectetuer... Slavery became more of an issue for Quakers, North Carolina from.! Irish Quaker records left a lasting template on the minds and characters of the material this! Meeting or the meeting burial grounds, and were not indexed Quaker date and translated... Ancestry.Com – Quaker meeting records varied from meeting to meeting and sometimes changed over time Conference Center, a summer! A bit of a Friends meeting for business and to search by meetings geographically, see Nahunta MM.... 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