The tarrasque is 50 feet tall, its arms have a 15-foot reach, and its tail has a 20-foot reach. Second, it considers everyone capable of dashing indefinitely. First, the battle takes place over a very long space. This solution requires you to have access to 9th level spells, at which point you’ve got the world at your fingertips. That’s an average of 148 points of damage per turn. With Intelligence 3, it’s overwhelmingly a creature of instinct, with no more ability to learn, adapt or strategize than a cat or dog. The Tarrasque is an immeasurably powerful monster from the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse and is considered one of the most powerful monsters in the entire setting. If the tarrasque loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes (the detached piece dies and decays normally). Opinions? Limited magical items ("one very rare item, 2 rare items, 3 uncommon, and as many common as you want, but remember you can only be attuned to 3 items at a time no legendary or artifacts. ") Its origin is shrouded in mystery, often suggested to be a punishment from the gods, a personification of nature's wrath, a creation of the Primordials, or an alien force. And its Multiattack incorporates five attacks: two claw attacks and one each with bite, horns and tail. Any time the tarrasque is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. ... the Tarrasque! You’re forgetting about the tarrasque’s Reflective Carapace. Nah, the werewolf would be grappled by bite then swallowed, and dissolved by the acid damage in the stomach. When it’s moderately wounded (reduced to between 473 and 271 hp), it becomes very aggressive and focuses all its forward-facing attacks on whichever single opponent has done the most damage to it. Heck, it can go 80 ft and still swallow you whole/smash through a mountain/castle/orphanage, and that's in a 1-on-1 fight. Meanwhile, it’s killing innocent bystanders and wrecking cherished local landmarks. Or can become the right kind of dragon. You had to bring it well below 0 and then after specific conditions were met you had to cast Wish or Miracle (the most powerful spells in the game) to destroy it forever. If anything, wasn’t the Tarrasque even *more* difficult to kill back in prior editions? If all this damage were directed at a single character, that character would have to be a 20th-level barbarian with Constitution 20 to have a chance of surviving. So one spell might be enough to feed the Tarrasque. Magical Horseshoes of Speed will increase the horse’s speed by 30ft and if the horse dashes every turn it can move 180ft. So I’d say they made it a lot more powerful this edition. Departing 5e for a moment, direct your attention to The Epic Level Handbook of 3e. Tarrasque. As an action, you can let loose a great roar, forcing each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). also the Tarrasque would be allowed a will saving throw at +20. And when it’s seriously wounded (reduced to 270 hp or fewer), it lumbers away, using the Dash action on its own turn unless there’s a pursuer within reach of its tail, in which case it attacks with its tail. They also have an increased weight, due to natural armor on their bodies, making them a few hundred pounds heavier than most humans. Then, like a dog, it instinctively chases that target. One last idea from this poor soul, there are some homebrew variants of the tarrasque online that are pretty cool. Examining combat roles, class features, party composition, positioning, debilitating conditions, attacking combinations, action economy, and the ever-important consideration of the best ways to run away, Live to Tell the Tale will help you get the most out of your character’s abilities. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It is an optional rule but realistic in my mind, you can’t sprint at the top of your legs forever and you only need two levels of exhaustion to have your speed halved. If the attack hits, it deals its normal damage, and the target is grappled by you. On a 6, the tarrasque is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from … Sacred Flame is a straight dexterity saving throw, and hence bypasses the Reflective Carapace. That means you don’t have to kill a tarrasque to drive it off. Now running a 5E campaign for my wife and her coworkers and loving it. Against 4 PCs it could move 160 ft, 200 ft dashing. When you encounter the Tarrasque in a real campaign with characters you've developed normally, it's a different fight. These are reliable because they only require attack rolls to convey, not saving throws to resist. It sleeps in the center of the earth, so logically if it doesn’t need to breathe underground, it shouldn’t need to breathe underwater. It's BIG, arguably the biggest creature in the Monster Manual. Like many monsters with saving throw proficiencies, the tarrasque has proficiency on only two of the big three: Constitution and Wisdom. The DM even allowed our blackguard to control the Tarrasque in a rather epic fight against Orcus. In all of fifth-edition Dungeons and Dragons, there are only six creatures with a higher challenge rating than an ancient red or gold dragon. Not far in, you will find yourself staring at what appears to be a tree with arms. How painful? Orcus eventually won, but he was damaged badly enough for Graz'zt to give a fatal blow to him. Just stay at 150/170 feet above it, it’s frightful presence will have no effect. So add another average 84 points of damage to the amount it can potentially dish out on its turn. Nothing doing. It also gives ground for displaying a rather weak (weaker than the tarrasque) but clever bbeg so your team needs to outsmart it or will get in a trap or similar. Possible? The scales of any of their corrupted parts can be black, grey, dark red, orange, or a faded white. It also uses its Attack legendary action to take tail swipes whenever a pursuer gets too close. The Tarrasque actually has another major weakness. On a 1 to 5, the tarrasque is unaffected. Fourth, a tarrasque is less likely to attack creatures who are fleeing its Frightful Presence—that is, unless one of those creatures is directly in front of it. Equal or superior in terms of challenge to the players maybe, but certainly not in a monster vs monster matchup. I didn’t think about how the PCs could redirect or trick tarrasque into attacking BBEG & his team. So let’s pause here and enumerate what kinds of damage can get through the hide of a tarrasque: Based on this list, I wouldn’t say dealing with a tarrasque is going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination, although it will be easier for sturdy PCs equipped with the finest in magical weaponry—or for ones who have a good working relationship with the right kind of dragon. With a whopping average of 676 health and a 25 Armor Class, the Tarrasque is hard enough to hit, but most of its abilities are defensive rather than offensive, which make it almost impossible to kill. But 5e doesn’t say anything like that, only “the tarrasque slumbers in its secret lair beneath the earth” which, considering they also didn’t bother to give it a burrow speed or earthglide, implies it’s actually a cave with air in it. With this spell you can become a second Tarrasque. The dread tarrasque rampages through the countryside, no village is safe; so the King’s Wizard finds a young first level cleric and gives him a pair of winged boots. I must be missing something. My little platoon was far more impressive than the blessing of Helios. Tarrasque is back but again ambushed and is last to attack, but before it can attack it is sent again in a maze, etc. Of course, maybe take away its blindsight or have a good reason why it doesn´t work. We’ve all been there. That would be an interesting dynamic!! Direct cold, lightning, thunder, radiant or necrotic damage from a magic weapon. Certainly, the tarrasque is no pushover, but let me paint you an absurdist scene. Tiamat, Yeenoghu, Orcus, and Demogorgon would all make easy work of the Tarrasque. The tarrasque can be slain only by raising its nonlethal damage total to its full normal hit points +10 (or 868 hit points) and using a wish or miracle spell to keep it dead. As we were of such high level, we had plenty of wealth. Funnily enough a simple, bog standard werewolf can fight the Tarrasque to a draw, since the Tarrasque is incapable of dealing magical damage, and werewolves have complete immunity to said damage type. Every turn 140 feet minimum are covered, you do this 10, 20 or 40 times (as much as it takes to take the tarrasque down) and so much space is being covered. Its Wisdom and Charisma are similarly average, so it’s the tarrasque’s brute Strength and Constitution and very low Intelligence that define its behavior. Maybe I have the tarrasque still be slumbering in its cave. Other personal suggestion, you could also give a way for your team to direct the tarrasque attention to the bbeg (I also suspect a quite creative team might try such strategy on its own). If a tarrasque holds an opponent in its jaws, it can Swallow, which inflicts an additional bite attack (with advantage, since the target is restrained, although the tarrasque’s attack modifier is so great, this will hardly make a difference) and transports the opponent to its gut, where said opponent will be rapidly digested if he or she can’t inflict 60 points of internal damage in a single turn while blinded and restrained. The tarrasque’s Multiattack sequence will generally follow the order claw, claw, horn, bite, with any tail attack (if applicable) occurring at a random point in that sequence, but if it has a grappled victim in its teeth, it will Swallow first, then use its move, then finish its Multiattack with claw, claw, horn. Excellent idea! ... No one should ever fight a tarrasque. I hope there’s only one, but if that legend is to be beleived, then… Godzilla for everyone! The boots give four hours of non-concentration flying, which is just a little bonkers. Is there a monster you’d like me to analyze that I haven’t looked at yet? Keep reading. For example, I imagine the team crawling in a temple for loot, the tarrasque appears and they have to sneakily get away from it like in a stealth Videogame hiding behind rocks, throwing objects to turn the monster focus away or stuff of that sort. Horses. And the tarrasque also has Magic Resistance, giving it advantage on saves against spells and other magical effects, and Reflective Carapace, which causes ranged spell attacks, magic missiles and lightning bolts to bounce off it (occasionally, back in the direction of the caster). This book is the best, and easiest, way to fight the often discussed, but rarely used Tarrasque. We twinked our characters out to be a Tarrasque-slaying machine, but we lost the chance to meet him in the context of a campaign. Well besides wonder where they got a tarrasque mini in the first place (it was probably etsy) here are five ways you can deal with a rampaging Tarrasque. And it’s magic food. This is what I get for answering questions on weekends. Mission Accomplished) Her mistake was giving us prep time. This gives you 10 minutes to heal buff, set traps, use items or give npc commoners a chance to flee before the real fight. Bonus points if you have a clone waiting and you sacrifice your meat body as food for the Tarrasque. Otherwise, I think the design holds up. Keith is a diabolical genius, and I say that with the utmost respect!”—R.A. (Quick note: before this story metagaming was seen as alright. If the tarrasque has no grappled opponent in its jaws, but there’s an opponent within reach directly in front of it, it will make a legendary claw attack; if there’s no one within reach in front but there is someone within reach behind, it will make a tail attack. Magic Resistance: The tarrasque has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Green is the only kind of dragon with poison. Equipped with the basic amount of magic weapons and an ability to fly, a party can physically slay this beast in just a few rounds. It can make a single attack with its claws (target in front of it) or its tail (target behind it), it can put on a burst of speed, or it can make a single bite or Swallow attack at the cost of two of its legendary actions. Under the “monsters” chapter, you will find all sorts of terrifying foes. It was one of the most difficult things to kill, players would just run the other way instead of trying to fight such a mighty beast. I also heard of this combo : Prismatic wall above the Tarrasque, then Reverse Gravity to ”push” the Tarrasque up and down the wall until it dies. Which makes sense because the only reason Tarrasque even notices the werewolf is if it’s hungry and out for snack. IMO, the 5E Tarrasque has been nerfed so hard, it isn't a challenge at all. I had a DM who once tried using a Tarrasque on our lvl 20 party. The tarrasque’s behavior is very random, and cynically, the best place for PCs to encounter one is in, say, a crowded city, where there are lots of innocent bystanders for the tarrasque to attack while the PCs get their first licks in against it. We can get a few clues as to its motivation from its stat block. I just wanted to point out that dashing away is extremely dumb for a tarrasque given that doing so moves him by 40 ft at the cost of hundreds of points of expected damage towards its pursuers. Physical damage from magic weapons. Party heal from the reaction/legendary attack and prepare for the next round. Let’s see how plausible this is—and figure out whether 5E has turned up the heat. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Your email address will not be published. Would it be a nice idea using the tarrasque in a campaign with low Level characters like lvl5, but instead of having direct combat (of course) have a “run, hide and get through stealthily” approach? I would point out that a tarrasque is extremely dumb. I’d that when it decides to retreat it would only use it’s legendary actions to run away but keep on eating those that get too close to him. Even during the chase the tarrasque might stomp brutally over kilometers of settlements. and only the main D&D 5e books and … The Tarrasque has a powerful Reflective Carapace which reads as follows: Any time the tarrasque is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. Also, they’ll have to do their research first or suffer through some painful trial and error as they try to figure out what works on it and what doesn’t. Radiant damage from sources like the paladin’s Divine Smite feature. When all else fails Plane Shift is your answer to everything. So no, this monster is not going to be easy to deal with. Loading... Unsubscribe from HLwow? Its Strength and Constitution peg the meter, but its Dexterity is a merely average 11—unsurprising, given how much mass it has to move. They are larger than most humans are, with their shortest being 6 feet tall, and the tallest towering over most at 8 feet tall. And they ruled you can’t shapechange into the Tarrasque or feed it with magic. Plenty for the big buddy to catch up. If they confront it in the wilderness, in contrast, its full attention will be on them and them alone. It's one of the ultimate monsters you have to kill, right? DM challenge time!!! Flying is not a great strategy for melee based pc’s. All you have to do is get yourself resistance to Acid (although if you’re a caster, resistance and absorb elements will be your best friend) and get swallowed up. I looked directly at the text of sacred flame and could have sworn it was a ranged spell attack. Okay, so your DM is a wet blanket and hates fun. Certain kinds of magical damage requiring a Dex save, The breath weapon of a dragon, which is a. Featured in Syfy’s “The Best Loot: A Dungeons & Dragons Gift Guide”! (Tarrasques have 120 feet of blindsight, so don’t count on their not seeing you creeping up on them.). Granted the werewolf can’t kill the Tarrasque either, but I feel that’s a little bit sad that the Tarrasque can be stalemated in a straight fight by a CR3 monster. Seven Ways to Kill the Tarrasque on thirteen experience levels or less The Tarrasque. Or, a bit more simply, the tarrasque can dig a hole, plonk the offending golem down and bury it like an unwanted chew toy, tarrasque wins. Easy? going just on that it seems the Tarrasque can be drowned. You reach level 5, you are almost dead. . This involves a little creative rules interpretation–up to twelve creatures can participate in a Heroes’ Feast, but it never specifies what size. It’s broken AF, but it works for a single level 20 wizard. I’m hoping Keith might chime in on these ideas. Its bite does an average of 36 points of damage per hit, grapples and restrains; its claws do an average of 28 points of damage; its horns do an average of 32 points of damage; and its tail does an average of 24 points of damage and has a good chance of knocking its target down. She gave us a prophecy from the evil lich we barely defeated (maybe using a thing or two from this site) that in a years time, the World Devourer will awaken. If they confront it in the wilderness, in contrast, its full attention will be on them and them alone. Any time the tarrasque is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. That said, thanks to the tarrasque’s advantage on saving throws against spells, it only takes damage 36 out of every 100 casts (assuming Erasmus has +3 from his wisdom score), and then only takes an average of 4.5. The language is from a previous Multiverse that was destroyed by the Ultra Tarrasque. But I’ve been struggling with what would happen if it joined the big battle!!! Divine intervention is basically equivalent to a wish, in my view. The Monsters Know What They’re Doing: Combat Tactics for DMs, Live to Tell the Tale: Combat Tactics for PCs, Stat Anything: Zorah Magdaros for 5e D&D – Dungeon Master Dave, Order from your favorite independent bookseller, “The Best Loot: A Dungeons & Dragons Gift Guide”. The Prismatic Wall will fail upon casting. And the tarrasque has legendary actions—actions that let it act on other creatures’ turns. Subscribe to BoLS Prime. Ranged spellcasters are at a serious disadvantage due to its legendaries and immunities. Let us know your favorite strategies for dealing with the Tarrasque in the comments. On a 6, the tarrasque is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from … The Tarrasque is an unstoppable, all devouring beast of myth and legend. I’ve been a D&D player since before there were flumphs. The tarrasque moves at least 120 ft while dashing/legendary moving when another creature is present. I usually use the chase mechanic of fatigue if players and npcs dash multiple times: you can dash an amount of 3+con modifier, when you dash more you roll 1d20 and on 10 or lower you get a temporary exhaustion level. The Cambion speaks a language not even anybody who understands all languages can understand without a DC WIS 20 Saving throw. In my mind, the instinct nature of the tarrasque makes it dumb enough to be fooled around a little, but the consequence of being found out by it and its immense power gives enough pressure to the players to really really not mess up things and use their brain. Not so with the Tarrasque. Reflective Carapace: Any time the tarrasque is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. If you equip a few dozen knights with +1 longbows and horses they can out run the Tarrasque’s movement of 40 feet. After all a carapace is a reflective covering. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). No swim speed, no immunity to… anything respiratory that suggests it doesn’t need to breathe. It will use its Chomp legendary action anytime it has a victim in its jaws on another creature’s turn. What Keith gets is that the monsters are the DM’s characters, and his work has been super helpful in adding logic, flavor, and fun in my quest to slaughter my players’ characters and laugh out the window as they cry in their cars afterward.”—Joe Manganiello, “The best movie villains are the ones you fall in love with. The tarrasque has proficiency in all mental saves, not Constitution. On the heels of The Monsters Know What They’re Doing—a compilation of villainous battle plans for Dungeon Masters—Live to Tell the Tale evens the score, providing beginning and intermediate D&D players the tools they need to fight back. Then all you have to do is lure it away from civilization, back to Monster Island where it can fight Rodan or King Ghidorah or whomever. One of them is Tiamat, the five-headed dragon goddess herself. Say you could fly like a arakocra at 50 ft. Dashing, you move 100 ft. 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