I managed to get a proper exposure for the body and the rest of the image is a bit underexposed. If you look at the angle at which I took the shot, you can probably guess that I was at risk of falling into the water when I took the shot. Posted in Dragonflies, dragonfly, Insects, Nature, Photography, spring, tagged Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Fort Belvoir VA, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 150-600mm on April 12, 2017| How do spiders decide where to place their webs? A common blue damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum) . Their compound eyes have up to 30,000 facets, each of which is a separate light-sensing organ or ommatidium, arranged to give nearly a 360° field of vision. This past weekend I spotted some young male Common Whitetail dragonflies (Plathemis lydia) in different stages of development. The combination of a long, almost prehensile tail and a perennial confusion between biting and stinging continually clouds the issue. Sign in to manage your newsletter preferences. The first two shots below are of male Common … What is the most common dragonfly where you live? Fortunately, it’s easy to tell them apart, because the wing patterns are different in the male and female whitetails. Common Whitetails are one of the first dragonflies to appear in the spring and they are around until late in the fall. So, what has “stopping power” for you? The common whitetail (Plathemis lydia) dashes towards an intruder holding its white abdomen aloft like a flag. The final shot is a portrait of a beautiful female Common Whitetail. As many readers know, I really like dragonflies, but spiders have to eat too. Absolutely. Return to Dragonfly Pictures. A short while later, she repeats the process. 5 Comments ». June 10, 2015 June 12, 2015 / Cam Mannino / 3 Comments. Thanks! The white body is usually blown out and overexposed in my images. This spider would not have one any contests for the beauty of its web, but there is no arguing with its success in capturing prey. Some of my favorite images are almost minimalist in their approach, like this shot of a male Common Whitetail dragonfly (Plathemis lydia). As is usually the case, I tried to get as close as I could for the first shot below, but decided to also include a shot that gives you a better idea of the surroundings in which I found this little dragonfly. Some dragonflies signal ownership with striking colors on the face, abdomen, legs, or wings. Here are a few shots nevertheless of female Common Whitetail dragonflies (Plathemis lydia) from earlier in May. On Tuesday at Occoquan Bay Regional Park I stopped and photographed some Common Whitetail dragonflies as I was searching for some more exotic dragonfly species. Posted in Dragonflies, dragonfly, Insects, Landscape, Nature, Photography, spring, tagged Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 150-600mm, Woodbridge VA on May 5, 2020| Common Whitetail dragonfly in mid-September, Posted in Bugs, Insects, Nature, Photography, wildlife, tagged Canon 55-250mm zoom lens, Canon Rebel XT, Common Whitetail dragonfly, dragonfly, Huntley Meadows Park, Plathemis lydia, reflection, reflection in water, white dragonfly on August 13, 2012| Richard North … Despite their differences in size and appearance, the Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera) and the Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia) dragonflies were able to co-exist peacefully and both were able to enjoy the same perch this morning at Huntley Meadows Park. Dragonflies spend anywhere from two months to four years as nymphs, before reaching adulthood, living underwater. 2 Comments ». Usually they end up overexposed with the highlights blown out. They are active from spring through autumn. It was warming in the sun and allowed me to get very close without flying off. Many of you know that I will often spend lots of time looking for rare dragonfly species, but I try not to take for granted the more common ones that many people (and photographers) ignore. Posted in Dragonflies, dragonfly, Nature, Photography, Summer, wildlife, tagged Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Fairfax County Virginia, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm on June 14, 2020| Common Whitetail Skimmers hover over standing or slow water like ponds, creeks, streams, marshes, and lakes. I like the way this particular image turned out because of the dragonfly’s reflection in the muddy brown pond water, the little stump that pokes out of the water, and the green stalk that runs diagonally across the photo. As we move deeper into spring, dragonfly nymphs are emerging from the water and starting their transformed lives as acrobatic flyers. A dragonfly eating an aphid. Yesterday was warm and humid, which felt almost like summer here and brought out more dragonflies. ... dragonflies and damselflies do not depend on a specific plant or plant type. Interesting enough, I was only able to see a few strands of the web, so I wonder if this action took place at the extreme edge of the web. The question is posed frequently enough that it is included on a Frequently Asked Questions slide, and I figure that enough people wonder about it to warrant a blog post. Dragonflies do bite, and they will bite humans, but only if you catch one and it’s trying to escape or defend itself. I took this shot in a wooded grassy area adjacent to a pond. 11 Comments ». You can start admiring them right in the parking lot! A dragonfly’s eyes also wrap around its head, giving it an incredible field of view. The nymphs are somewhat tolerant of pollution and low oxygen levels, so they are considered biological indicators of pond health. Almost six years ago I read a blog posting by fellow photographer Lyle Krahn that talked of a concept called “stopping power” and that posting has stuck with me to this day. Do common whitetail dragonflies bite? Click on the photo to see a higher resolution view. Males start out looking a lot like the female, which has a brown body with some white or yellow markings, according to Bugguide. Return to Dragonfly Pictures The photo is not spectacular and showy, but I find a real beauty in its quiet simplicity. Mature female Common Whitetail dragonflies have distinctive dark patches on their wings. "Common Whitetail Dragonfly" Dragonfly Dragonflies. Dragonflies. Posted in Dragonflies, Insects, Macro Photography, Nature, Photography, spring, wildlife, tagged Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Huntley Meadows Park, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm macro lens on April 18, 2016| The wings are blurred, but you can still see the brown markings that identify this as a female, and not an immature male. 6 Comments ». Dragonflies are fierce predators that eat a wide variety of insects. As I was walking to the first pond I found this Common Whitetail Dragonfly on a fallen tree limb. 11 Comments ». © Michael Q. Powell. Check out one of my postings from last year to see what a mature adult male looks like. I can’t tell for certain, but the dragonflies in the bird’s mouth look to be female Common Whitetails (Plathemis lydia) or possibly immature males, which look like the females. The result was a kind of dramatic lighting effect that helps me to highlight the uncommon beauty of this common species. Do you have a wildlife question you’d like answered? This past Friday as I was walking around Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, I spotted the twisted body of a dragonfly suspended in the air against a backdrop of the sky. The fact that the dragonfly was not perched on a branch coming out of the water proved to and advantage as I was able to approach pretty closely to it in order to take this shot. Over the last few weeks I have noticed more and more dragonflies at the ponds and marshes that I visit, an indication that many of the summer dragonfly species have emerged. I’ll keep my eyes open! Even with the lens cranked out to its longest length (600mm), the dragonfly filled only a small portion of the frame. The subject is not unique and unusual—its name even indicates that it is “common.”. We saw quite a few Common Whitetail Dragonflies while we were at Davidson’s Mill Pond Park. During the summer months, these dragonflies can be seen flying all around the ponds at my local marshland. So a bite is possible. What do they see in each other? Dragonflies 31, 2010 Hi Daniel Here are two photos of dragonflies taken today. You're now subscribed to our newsletter. Common Whitetail Dragonfly - Courtesy Randy Hume. Thank you! 25 Comments ». Female Common Whitetail dragonflies do not have a white tail and in many ways that makes them a little easier to expose correctly. Predator or prey? Unlike many species with “common” in their names, Common Whitetail dragonflies (Plathemis lydia) actually are abundant and frequently seen during their peak season of June through September. Adults eat small flying insects like mosquitoes and gnats, making them a welcome natural control for pest insect populations. Where's the respect? Had a genie granted one of his wishes? 4 Comments ». They do, however, have teeth. Are you so used to the common beauty that surrounds you every day that you no longer see it? I was mostly looking for dragonflies or butterflies. The male's chunky white body (about 5 cm or 2 inches long), combined with the brownish-black bands on its otherwise translucent wings, give it a checkered look. Posted in Dragonflies, dragonfly, Insects, Nature, Photography, wildlife, tagged Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Occoquan Regional Park, ovipositing, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm, Woodbridge VA on June 9, 2019| Common Whitetail dragonflies (Plathemis lydia) are among the first dragonflies to appear in our area in the spring and among the last to disappear in the fall. she only recently underwent the transformation from living in the water as a nymph and emerged as an air-breathing acrobatic dragonfly. The simple answer is NO. Posted in Arachnids, Nature, Photography, spiders, Summer, wildlife, tagged Argiope aurantia, Black and yellow garden spider, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Fort Belvoir VA, Jackson Miles Abbott Wetland Refuge, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm on August 28, 2019| Also, in some female dragonflies – the darners and petaltails, specifically – the ovipositor is designed to slice open plant stems. Even though I see them all of the time, I’ll frequently photograph Common Whitetails, with the hope of capturing a new or different view of the dragonfly. A female must mate with the territory holder before laying her eggs. The full answer to this question has three parts: (i) “Do dragonflies bite?” YES, dragonflies bite, because that’s how they capture their food. I captured this image of a female Common Whitetail last Tuesday at Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge. I do agree we have interesting dragonflies here; I have photos of reds, other blues, other spotted wings, small sizes, medium sizes, and a giant (as big as my hand!) What was the male doing at this time? As is often the case for species saddled with the name “common,” Common Whitetail dragonflies are uncommonly beautiful. This early in the season the Common Whitetails seem to be hanging out at a distance from the water—later in the summer I tend to find them buzzing around ponds and swamps. Although I spotted a Common Green Darner dragonfly earlier this month, I was not able to get a photo of it and suspect that it had migrated from another location. I spotted this one last Friday in a wooded area and initially had trouble seeing it as it flew made a series of short, hopping flights among the fallen leaves on the floor of the woods. Occasionally I complain that some species with names that include “common” are rare, but Common Whitetail dragonflies (Plathemis lydia) are in fact quite common. Do Dragonflies Bite or Sting? Sometimes the dragonfly is the predator and sometimes it is the prey—it appears to be primarily a matter of circumstances and timing. When this female Common Whitetail dragonfly (Plathemis lydia) landed on a metal sprinkler cover, though, I couldn’t help but like the contrast between the natural subject and the industrial background. I decided to try to treat the shot like a landscape and include the water of the pond in the background and the curling stem on which the dragonfly was perched in the foreground. FREE Dragonfly pictures! Dragonfly Books; Other Insects; Animals; Plants; Rocks; Male Common Whitetail Image may be used for personal use only. She would fly low over the water as in the first shot and then hover over what she determined was a good spot. 7 Comments ». The male has large black patches on clear wings with a white abdomen, but the female is quite different, lacking the white abdomen and showing a different wing pattern. It is widespread throughout North America and can be seen in all of the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately the area between the two of us was marshy and there was no way that I could get any closer. 3 Comments ». The wing pattern of the dragonfly made it easy to identify as a Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia). Posted in Dragonflies, Insects, Macro Photography, Nature, Photography, tagged Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Huntley Meadows Park, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm on May 21, 2016| Dragonflies have large, powerful jaws and are ferocious airborne predators, catching flying prey in a basket-like gantry of legs and dispatching it with a single crunch. Posted in Birds, Dragonflies, Nature, Photography, wildlife, tagged Agelaius phoeniceus, Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail dragonfly, female Red-winged Blackbird, Huntley Meadows Park, Plathemis lydia, red-winged blackbird, Tamron 150-600mm telephoto on August 12, 2015| If you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone, and you can sit back and watch these beautiful insects dazzle you with their hunting flights. Male dragonflies do bear claspers for holding the female during mating, and these could perhaps be mistaken for a stinger by an uninformed observer. is Yes!, dragonflies bite! You can also tell the genders apart by looking at the tip of the abdomen (the “tail”) where the terminal appendages are sexually differentiated. The dragonfly had been perching on the ground, as dragonflies of this species are wont to do, and flew up to a precarious perch on a bent stalk of vegetation. I could tell that it was a Common Whitetail, a species that perches fairly often, so I decided to see if it would land. This week the native wildflowers are glorious! A “tween” male–the abdomen is beginning to turn blue, but the adolescent body pattern still shows, An immature male, with the body pattern of a female and the wing pattern of an adult male, Posted in Art, Dragonflies, Insects, Macro Photography, Nature, Photography, Portraits, spring, wildlife, tagged Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, dragonfly, dragonfly eyes, Huntley Meadows Park, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm macro lens on May 10, 2014| All rights reserved. How Long Do Dragonflies Live? Do Dragonflies Bite; Dragonfly Larvae; Lists of Dragonflies found Regionally; Dragonfly Coloring Pages. This dragonfly’s wings are mostly clear, which is why I judge that she is a teneral, i.e. Love seems to find a way to overcome obstacles like these. Although mature males are white, when they are young they have brown bodies similar to those of females. 4 Comments ». Posted in Art, Dragonflies, Insects, Macro Photography, Nature, Photography, Portraits, spring, wildlife, tagged Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, dragonfly, Huntley Meadows Park, immature, immature male dragonfly, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm macro lens on May 13, 2014| I try to pay attention to even the most common subjects and when it comes to dragonflies, that means the aptly named Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia). Dragonflies do bite, and they will bite humans, but only if you catch one and it’s trying to escape or defend itself. As I got closer, I realized that a large spider was holding onto the body of the dragonfly. When she was ready, she dipped the tip of her abdomen into the water, creating the circular ripples that you see in the second image. Here’s a portion of that posting that describes the concept, “I think every beautiful scene has stopping power. Posted in Arachnids, dragonfly, Insects, Nature, Photography, Summer, wildlife, tagged Argiope aurantia, Black and Yellow Garden Orbweaver spider, Black and yellow garden spider, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Fort Belvoir VA, Jackson Miles Abbott Wetland Refuge, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 180mm on September 11, 2020| I also often find the ebony jewelwing, a species of damselfly, fluttering along the creek. So what’s the reality? Common Whitetail Dragonfly, Vancouver Island, BC, Photo By Bud Logan. Posted in Art, dragonfly, Macro Photography, Nature, Photography, spring, tagged Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, Huntley Meadows Park, Plathemis lydia, Tamron 150-600mm telephoto on May 30, 2015| They have impressive, sharply pointed mandibles that chomp down on the smaller insects they catch. However, dragonflies have the largest compound eyes of any insect and I was thrilled to be able to capture this face-to-face shot of a Common Whitetail dragonfly (Plathemis lydia), peering right at me over the edge of a leaf. It seems that the Common Whitetail dragonflies are hanging out there early in the season and not too many of them are patrolling over the water, as I commonly saw them do last summer. It’s hard to imagine an odder couple than this dragonfly and this turtle, sunbathing together on a log in the beaver pond. What does it take for you to stop and take notice and maybe even pull out a camera to photograph a subject? Flight Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia) – 1.7”, 42-48 mm Record: (4/11-11/14) Peaks June-Sept. Abundant Habitat: Most freshwater habitats – prefers still, shallow water. They are not as elegant and colorful as some other dragonflies and are somewhat stubby and drab (and, in fact, are called “common”). It's such a degrading moniker: common yellowthroat, common grackle, common sandpiper, common dandelion, common bladderwort, etc. This is their principal mode of searching. When I was walking past a small pond, however, I spotted the dragonfly flying over the water. I am not really sure about the latter victim, but that is what I believe the green-colored object is in the image. Odonates are completely harmless – they do not sting or bite. I’ll keep my eyes open! Some dragonflies signal ownership with striking colours on the face, abdomen, legs, or wings. I captured this image of a female Common Whitetail dragonfly (Plathemis lydia) on Monday at Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge. Despite their ubiquitousness, I enjoy trying to photograph these little dragonflies whenever I can. A female must mate with the territory holder before laying her eggs. That’s my term for the ability of a scene to make a person stop hiking or driving in order to pull out a camera and make images. Sometimes that involves photographing them when they are flying, as I showed in a posting earlier today. This male Common Whitetail dragonfly (Plathemis lydia) met his demise this past Friday at Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge. It is interesting at the small pond, which you can walk almost completely around, you tend to see many of one or two types in certain areas but not many in other areas. Posted in Dragonflies, Insects, Macro Photography, Nature, Photography, spring, wildlife, tagged Alexandria VA, Canon 50D, Common Whitetail, Common Whitetail dragonfly, dragonfly, Huntley Meadows Park, Lydia plathemis, Tamron 180mm macro lens on April 27, 2015| This sequence several times at the same body colors and patterns as the ripples began to spread would trouble! Their giant eyes and other predators are beneficial – they keep the lens steady delicate-looking insects like to a... Striking colours on the wings and abdomen of the web strands that tenuously connected the to. 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