I have heard it said that since the Bible addresses the man to “leave and cleave”, that the woman isn’t under the same command. ‘However applications still cleave to simple two-dimensional metaphors.’ ‘The other road, my father's favourite, cleaves to the coast round Torr Head.’ ‘The music just cleaved to the story; it belongs to the images like nothing else I've ever tried to do.’ 4. To cleave to the Lord and hold. cleave - translate into Czech with the English-Czech Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary In the NT it is used only in the Passive Voice, with reflexive force, in the sense of "cleaving unto," as of cleaving to one's wife, Mat 19:5 ; some mss. verb. The enediyne chromophores are interesting because of their ability to bind and cleave nucleic acids resulting in potent anti-cancer activity. This flowage will help to orientate the particles in the direction of movement, and, operating conjointly with the flattening above explained,will accentuate the liability to cleave in a definite set of planes. You can use the axe to cleave the tree. Example Sentence. findere, to cleave ), a term applied in common usage to anything of vast size. Luciferase This molecule is an enzyme which reacts with ATP to cleave luciferin, its substrate. ‘Cleave’: Stick Together and Cut Apart “Cleave” is an especially interesting contronym. adhere. There is also a good view up the cleave with Fur tor standing sentinel on the far horizon. Cleaved. (Sentences written in active voice don’t always need an object.) sentence examples. cleft = split or divided. (6) Anxious to escape the limelight of dishonour, (13) Ribozymes are small catalytic RNA, which could, (21) Our organization is trying to ease the racial problems that still, (22) The banks are also happy that regulators have promised to, (23) The results showed that the photoreduction is a more rapid and efficient that can, (24) The Public and the people, Aye , Aye, my lads, let us hate, (25) As the Seine divides yet unites Paris, so too does the Clark Fork, (26) And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not, (27) Above its heavy breathing, all you can hear in this wilderness is the drip-drip of melting ice and a crash as icebergs, (28) The results showed:At gastrula stage, the cells in front of the embryonic area gradually, (29) When writing your account of the matter, you ought to, (30) Honestly baditem. ing, cleaves v.tr. Chris Cleave Knowledge Done Sometimes I think that there's something extremely beautiful about the Olympic ideal and its motto - 'Swifter, higher, stronger' - it's such a beautiful motto, and it celebrates everything which is the antithesis of death and dissolution and entropy. To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting: cleave a path through the ice. use "cleave" in a sentence CBS News' Jillian Hughes and Kris Van Cleave contributed to this report. cleave ( kl i v ) Word forms: cleaves , cleaving language note: The past tense can be either cleaved or clove; the past participle can be cleaved, cloven, or cleft for meaning [sense 1 ] , and is cleaved for meaning , [sense 2 ] . 60 / 5k. Examples of Apprehend in a sentence. In 1535, combating Laurentius Valla, he did not deny the spiritual incapacity of the will per se, but held that this is strengthened by the word of God, to which it can cleave. If the agents apprehend the drug king before he makes the deal, they will prevent a huge shipment of cocaine from hitting the streets. In the horror movie, the killer used a chainsaw to cleave his victims in half. Van Cleave offers a virtual three-part, 5-hour foundational paragraphs course for groups of no more than 22. 1. For example, this is a passive sentence: “The … cleave in a sentence (1) They just cleave the stone along the cracks. All Rights Reserved. 7. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Cleave, a verb, has two very different meanings. An hour passed, during which Dantes, excited by the feeling of freedom, continued to cleave the waves. bind: : to make secure by tying His hands were bound with rope.. cohere: : to hold together firmly as parts of the same mass . The address (which is extremely important for its representation of the religious conditions) is made the occasion for a solemn covenant whereby the people agree to cleave to Yahweh alone. cleave definition: 1. to separate or divide, or cause something to separate or divide, often violently: 2. to…. cleave definition: 1. to separate or divide, or cause something to separate or divide, often violently: 2. to…. stick. Diamond may break with a conchoidal fracture, but the crystals always cleave readily along planes parallel to the octahedron faces: of this property the diamond cutters avail themselves when reducing the stone to the most convenient form for cutting; a sawing process, has, however, now been introduced, which is preferable to that of cleavage. Cleave definition is - to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly. And cleave the earth cleaving. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. The axe was made of a metal strong enough to cleave even the strongest marble. Definition of Cleave. A sample sentence has been given for each conjunction. How to say cleave in English? : With a quick nod, I walked out, grabbing a random scarf off the rack to cover my exposed cleavage. Cleave definition, to adhere closely; stick; cling (usually followed by to). The Sentinel newspaper made a similar point in a recent editorial. To split with a sharp instrument. It can mean “to cling to something or someone.” You can cleave to the side of a cliff while you’re waiting to be rescued, and marriage vows often talk about cleaving to your spouse. Tom can not cleave with apron strings still attached... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 1. Go from capital letter to period with these writing sentences worksheets. Cleave, a verb, has two very different meanings. synonyms cohere. How to say cleave in English? There, in the recesses of Piedmont, where the streams of the Pelice, the Angrogne, the Clusone and others cleave the sides of the Alps into valleys which converge at Susa, a settlement of the Waldensians was made who gave their name to these valleys of the Vaudois. 24. 5. It can describe cutting or splitting something apart with a sharp instrument, or — oddly enough — it can describe sticking to something like glue. It can describe cutting or splitting something apart with a sharp instrument, or — oddly enough — it can describe sticking to something like glue. As if he isn't already busy enough, Kiefer also starred in several recent films including Phone Booth and The Sentinel. 3. Examples of Cleave in a sentence. To divide by or as if by a cutting blow.. 3. Changing passive voice to active voice. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Raise the stone and there thou shalt find me, cleave the wood and there am I.". The purpose of our writing instruction, whether it is sentence or extended text level, is to make our students better communicators of ideas, experiences, and feelings (their own and others), and in turn to become percipient interpreters of the works of others. These words rang in Dantes'ears, even beneath the waves; he hastened to cleave his way through them to see if he had not lost his strength. To separate into distinct parts and especially into groups having divergent views. Janice Van Cleave's Dinosaurs for Every Kid-An excellent resource that makes studying dinosaurs plain and simple. Go to your homes, I say; the little baron is already cooling off, for he hath my full consent to cleave asunder … We must cleave together, and you shall have a skinful of books and school and manners. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases [Mentions] Descriptive words Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants Cleave to definition is - to stay very close to (someone). He will then focus on parts of speech and sentence parts as they apply to the act of writing. to split with a tool. 2, here; 1Cr 6:16 , … (b) On the other hand, if from the Dreiherrenspitze we cleave to the true main watershed of the Alpine chain, we find that it dips south, passes over the Hochgall (11,287 ft.), the culminating point of the Rieserferner group, and then sinks to the Toblach Pass, but at a point a little east of the great Dolomite peak of the Drei Zinnen it bends east again, and rises in the Monte Coglians (9128 ft., the monarch of the Carnic Alps). have the intensive Verb No. ‘However applications still cleave to simple two-dimensional metaphors.’ ‘The other road, my father's favourite, cleaves to the coast round Torr Head.’ ‘The music just cleaved to the story; it belongs to the images like nothing else I've ever tried to do.’ Cleave, Clave: "to join fast together, to glue, cement," is primarily said of metals and other materials (from kolla , "glue"). 1. If by cleave you mean "Do you swear to cleave to this man for the rest of your life", it means stick with, bind together - and the antonym is "separate" or "split". fuse: : to reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat the thunderstorm had fused the electric mains — C. K. Finlay 4- Make Sudden death procs and Deadly calm count towards tactician procs and Anger management cd reduction. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples “Cleave” is an especially interesting contronym. This structure is recognized by cleavase, which will cleave and release the 3' end of the Cleave. Words Related to cleave . • CLEAVE (verb) The verb CLEAVE has 3 senses:. simple subject who/what is doing the action The elderly man went to the store. Sentence Parts: Clauses are the building blocks to all sentence writing. 50. findere, to cleave ), a term applied in … They cleave the surface layer of the soil and make it split to facilitate the plant’s coming out. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to. 2. Learn more. 11. Cleave in a sentence. 3. Sentence with the word cleave. Writing sentences worksheets help your kid leap from words to sentences. Updated October 22, 2018 Definition: to split or cut, particularly along a grain or line Taking their rise on the plateau formation, or in its outskirts, they flow first along lofty longitudinal valleys formerly filled with great lakes, next they cleave their way through the rocky barriers, and finally they enter the lowlands, where they become navigable, and, describing wide curves to avoid here and there the minor plateaus and hilly tracts, they bring into watercommunication with one another places thousands of miles apart. If I have not cleaved your head, 'tis because I took an oath to kin to spare you. fasten: : to attach especially by pinning, tying, or nailing . cleave. 2. It gives a good amount of damage and regen and it also has. Haue; the root is seen in "hew," to cut, cleave; the word must be distinguished from "hoe," promontory, tongue of land, seen in place names, e.g. The lysosomal enzymes cleave the T 4 from the iodinated thyroglobulin. I had a surgery to fix my cleft palate when I was a baby, and then a second cleft surgery when I was four, but I still have a hole in the roof of my mouth. English 9 Name: _____ Date:_____Block: _____ Intro to Complex Sentences Notes Define It Subordinating Conjunctions are words or phrases used to join two phrases that are unequal (one phrase in the sentence is complete, while the other phrase needs the other complete phrase to make sense). Were thou born out of wedlock, the son of a hostler and a scullery maid, still would I love thee, and honor thee, and cleave to thee. (2) The waves to cleave through the waves at a farewell to swim, canoe funeral. sentence examples. It took five police cruisers to apprehend the drunk driver. Sentence examples for cleave from inspiring English sources. To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently. For a large list of calculators for scientific purposes, try Cleave Books. Defensively is where the United States will miss Cleaves the most. rive. Hopefully the law enforcement agents will apprehend the killer before he harms anyone else. (3) People in the remote mountain villages still, (5) Likewise the ground, the concrete, which did not. These hands-on, interactive workshops include content, rich discussion about the writing process, and practice with revision. He saw Jilian's blow cleave the Traveler apart the moment he materialized down the hall. The Greek v X iaµa, a cleft, split, from a-A"eiv, to cleave, is used in the New Testament of an actual rent in a garment (Matt. exact DICTIONARY cleave. In tectonically deformed regions, the most obvious stratification may be cleavage surfaces. 3. cling. (4) It was his choice, she said, to cleave to the Brownings and he was a hypocrite to say otherwise. People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to their old traditions. split. Instructions were given to the French Catholics to break with monarchical principles, and both externally and internally to cleave to the Republic as representing the best form of constitutional government. - Terry Lee Reddix, 43, of Vancleave, Mississippi, was sentenced yesterday by U.S. District Judge Louis Guirola, Jr. to 360 months in federal prison, followed by 5 years of supervised release, for possessing with intent to distribute methamphetamine in Vancleave. 1. 9. Jake cleaved in two by a maniacal man with a sword. Learn more. Answer (1 of 1): Cleave is just an unusual word for cut. Synonym Discussion of cleave. To adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly.. 2. The function of t-PA is to cleave a particular peptide bond in plasminogen, forming plasmin (which is itself a serine protease ). Otherwise, your head will be … The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Sentence count:178+81 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-05-07Updated:2017-05-07 Similar words: eaves , leave , eavesdrop , cleave , leave out , leave off , leave for , … cleave meaning: 1. to separate or divide, or cause something to separate or divide, often violently: 2. to…. How to use cleave to in a sentence. See Synonyms at tear1. 8. cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. 4. Cleave gives his two narrators alternating chapters to tell their respective sides of a complicated situation. Name _____ Block _____ Complex Sentence Practice #2 Directions: Create your own complex sentences below. R.J. Palacio -- Wonder. (4) It was his choice, she said, to cleave to the Brownings and he : 42. Cleave definition, to adhere closely; stick; cling (usually followed by to). Dictionary entry overview: What does cleave mean? See more. Cleave 454 This society was composed of physicians and laymen. (3) People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to their old traditions. use "cleave" in a sentence Most commonly, a horseradish peroxidase -linked secondary is used to cleave a chemiluminescent agent, and the reaction product produces luminescence in proportion to the amount of protein. Like the word "cleave," there are two meanings involved in the word "occupy," one of which is the exact opposite of the other.The word "occupy" is a bit like the word "cleave," which, as Alan Watts was fond of pointing out, has two meanings, one of which is the precise opposite of the other.The word cleave denotes a union of the firmest kind. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. 1 people chose this as the best definition of cleve: (Now chiefly dialectal) A... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air. How to use cleave in a sentence. See more. Word, phrase, or sentence: Try out Spruce , our experimental quotations search engine. My goal was to cleave to Him. Use "cleave" in a sentence. Pronunciation of cleave with 1 audio pronunciation, 18 synonyms, 3 meanings, 7 translations, 9 sentences and more for cleave. The wings cleaved the foggy air. You read the newspaper—not the New York Times—you read the Parkside Sentinel. Synonym Discussion of cleave. 4. Learn more. These Sigurd forged into a new sword, so hard that with it he could cleave the anvil and so sharp that it would sever a flock of wool floating against it down stream; and, so armed, he sought and slew the dragon. (editor's note: Cleft is the past tense of cleave like left is past tense of leave .) Here the word must have been upheave, the rimes being leave, cleave, bereave. Also making it baseline will be lovely. cleave in a sentence. He saw Jilian's blow cleave the Traveler apart the moment he materialized down the hall. 12. cleave the bone Definition (verb) make by cutting into Example Sentence. 49. Cleave; Cleaving; Cleaved; Cleaves; 1. 58. : The two different species are formed by homolytic or heterolytic O-O bond cleavage and H-atom abstraction, respectively. If by cleave you mean "Do you swear to cleave to this man for the rest of your life", it means stick with, bind together - and the antonym is "separate" or "split". My thoughts are, 1) the Bible is written in the masculine tense, and 2) you cannot become ‘one’ if only the man leaves. His forbearing at present to deliver them is on purpose to try their love, whether they will cleave to him to the end; and as for the ill end thou sayest they come to, that is most glorious in their account; for, for present deliverance, they do not much expect it, for they stay for their glory, and then they shall have it when their Prince comes in his and the glory of the angels. 3- Like i said on the Top, make Cleave share a CD with Mortal strike, and forget the idea of replacing sweeping strikes. Here prevailing granite and diabase give rise to a complicated mountain system through which the rivers cleave their way in a curved and irregular course. Not to cleave to a fatherland, be it even the most suffering and necessitous—it is even less difficult to detach one's heart from a victorious fatherland. Gulfport, Miss. It can mean “to cling to something or someone.” ... See if you can come up with more on your own, and just know it’s important to make your sentences clear when you use them so people don’t misinterpret your meaning. complete subject subject with its baggage (the “doer”) The elderly man went to the store. To change passive voice to active voice, make the agent of the sentence into the subject, and turn the old subject into the object. findere, to cleave), a term applied in common usage to anything of vast size. They cleave cytoskeleton filaments and DNA until the cell completely implodes.25.2594 Pronunciation of cleave with 1 audio pronunciation, 18 synonyms, 3 meanings, 7 translations, 9 sentences and more for cleave. The work required to cleave asunder the parts of the first fluid which lie on the two sides of an ideal plane passing through the interior, is per unit of area 2T 1, and the free surface produced is two units in area. Cleave definition: To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently. By contrast, the 3.06 eV violet photon energy is insufficient to cleave the stronger system bonds. To split or sever something with, or as if with, a sharp instrument. The next day the ship began to cleave, and the search was called off u ntil now. cleaving = cutting. In this hands-on, interactive workshop, William Van Cleave will first guide participants through the research regarding cognitive demands of the writing process. An hour passed, during which Dantes, excited by the feeling of freedom, continued to cleave the waves. Use the subordinating conjunction listed and write your sentence in the pattern indicated. 2. Sentence with cleave | Use cleave in a sentence. He saw Jilian's blow cleave the Traveler apart the moment he materialized down the hall. The deepest line of cleavage is naturally between the view that episcopacy is a divinely ordained institution essential to the effective existence of a church as a channel of grace, and the view that it is merely a convenient form of church order, evolved as the result of a variety of historical causes, and not necessary to the proper constitution of a church. Cleave definition is - to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly. Once we cleave the document with the paper cutter, we will have four flyers instead of one. 1. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument 2. make by cutting into 3. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation Familiarity information: CLEAVE used as a … cleave is the verse in question: The hour (of Judgment) is nigh and the moon is cleft asunder. And without waiting for an answer from the sentinel, who had stepped aside, Dolokhov rode up the incline at a walk. Not to cleave to any person, be it even the dearest—every person is a prison and also a recess. How to use cleave in a sentence. The laser will quickly cleave the stone into two pieces. Definition and high quality example sentences with “cleave” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Sentences Containing 'cleave'. Dictionary Dictionary entry overview: What does cleave mean term applied in common usage to of... Interactive workshop, William Van cleave offers a virtual three-part, 5-hour foundational paragraphs course for of! Parkside Sentinel cleave together, and you shall have a skinful of books and school manners. Closely ; stick ; cling ( usually followed by to ) the Traveler apart the moment he materialized the! Word usage examples above have been upheave, the most obvious stratification may be cleavage surfaces vast size,... 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