
teleological interpretation south africa

British Journal of Clinical Psychology; British Journal of Developmental Psychology; British Journal of Educational Psychology; British Journal of Health Psychology 2 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act … E.E. Prior to the adoption of a justiciable constitution in South Africa, statutory interpretation proceeded in terms of the now famous dictum in Venter v R. 38 In terms of this “golden rule” the aim of interpretation was “to ascertain the intention which the legislature meant to express from the language which it employed”. Keywords: teleological interpretation, Constitution interpretation, Constitution purposes, Constitution efficiency 1. interpretat ion. A purpose that is imposed by a human use, such as the purpose of a fork to hold food, is called extrinsic. Abstract. Department of Land Affairs v Goedgelegen Tropical Fruits – A triumph for teleological interpretation, an unqualified contextual methodology and the jurisprudence of ubuntu, South … In the past (almost) decade and a half of constitutional democracy in South Africa, no clearly discernible theories of constitutional interpretation have emerged. However, several leitmotivs, traceable to theoretical positions on constitutional interpretation, have guided our constitutional interpretation in a particular direction. Adopting the Teleological Interpretation of Statutes” ... South Africa International Journal of Private Law. feb. 2020 - aug. 20207 maanden. the method of interpretation used by courts, when they interpret legislative provisions in the light of the purpose, values, legal, social and economical goalsthese provisions aim to achieve.European Telephone: +27 31 260 7691 Email singhat@ukzn.ac.za Campus: Howard College Building & Room: HC Building – Suite E, 1st Floor Biography: Dr Annie Singh is a Lecturer in the field of statutory and constitutional interpretation at the School of Law. “The world” was important in the early-modern capitals of Great Britain, France, Germany, and Belgium because those nations exerted colonial rule in various parts of Africa, Asia, and South America. Historically, teleology may be identified with the philosophical tradition of Aristotelianism. Supervisory organs, in particular the African Commission, have applied various models of review to assess States’ compliance with their socio-economic rights obligations. Specifically, this part traces the development of methods of interpretation from Dutch inception, through British colonisation and ultimately to the adoption of a teleological model of interpretation following the advent of constitutionalism in South Africa. Curriculum vitae Prof Marius van Staden Personal Information FIRST NAME / SURNAME Marthinus Jacobus (Marius) van Staden RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS 37 Norfolk Street, Larrendale, Brakpan, 1549 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 9058, Minnebron, 1549 TEL + 27 (0) 84 517 1791 (c) + 27 (0) 11 559 4017 (o) EMAIL mvanstaden@uj.ac.za NATIONALITY South … The most dominant approach of statutory interpretation in South Africa is that of Teleological interpretation or Broad Purposivism. The gist of this theory of interpretation is that purpose is not only deduced from the purpose of the legislation in the narrow context, but in light of the context of South African values in the constitution. This is referred to as teleological (or value-based) interpretation. 759728).] Teleological ethics (also known as consequentialism), from the Greek word telos meaning goal, claims that the “rightness or wrongness of an act is exclusively a function of the goodness or badness of the consequences of that act” (1). G.E. This is purposive interpretation in a narrow sense. It is one of th e internal aids t o st atutory. This teleological interpretation ignores the ordinary meaning of the words used, the history of the negotiation and the general practice of States. Legal interpretation in South Africa refers to the juridical understanding of South African legislation and case law, and the rules and principles used to construct its meaning for judicial purposes. See also Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West. 17 January 2019. Teleological seeks to further the purpose of the state and law in society by analyzing the constitutional. This article argues that the general approach to documentary interpretation articulated in Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Endumeni Municipality 2012 4 SA 593 (SCA) (Endumeni) applies also to the interpretation of wills, subject to adaptation for context.It is argued that interpretation of wills and the application of an interpretation to a particular factual setting are … Legal interpretation in South Africa refers to the juridical understanding of South African legislation and case law, and the rules and principles used to construct its meaning for judicial purposes. GE Devenish* There are diverse theories1 of interpretation: some are conflicting> others are complementary and all overlap to some extent. Legal interpretation in South Africa refers to the juridical understanding of South African legislation and case law, and the rules and principles used ... teleological approach to interpretation as developed in the context of European law may also assist in increasing the acceptability of a purposive For Keep and Midgley,1 it is vital that South Africa's legal culture transforms so as to express also the values that originated in African societies, because there is a "real need" in South Africa to legitimate the legal system. In addition to singing and conducting choirs, I play piano, organ, various recorders, penny whistle, mbira and uhadi, and once upon a time played bassoon. * Devenish 1. The decisions of both the ICJ and ECJ in relation to the UN and EEC are typically framed as an interpretive exercise, albeit one in which particular emphasis is placed on the object and purpose of an organisation's constituent instrument. interpretation in South Africa. In S v Zuma and Two Others, 6 this Court dealt with the approach to be adopted in the interpretation of the fundamental rights enshrined in Chapter Three of the Constitution. Assignme nt01. View IOS2601 Exam 2020.PDF from LLB ISO2601 at University of South Africa. Broadly speaking there are three means by which and through which South African scholars and jurists construe their country's statutory law: linguistics or semantics, common law and jurisprudence. The last South African National Census of 2011 found that English as a first language makes up 9.6% of the national population with significant English populations in Gauteng (where the NZG is located) (StatsSA[Statistics South Africa], 2012), and therefore, the questionnaire was in English. and the VaVhenda Kingship case should serve as a central point of reference as regards how Customary Law is treated by our courts. The notion of “consequence” refers to all the things that a specific action/behaviour on behalf of an individual causes. Those who are against Teleological interpretation argue that courts should not use the Constitutional values when interpreting legislation, they argue that courts should rather use the Interpretation Act as guide line when interpreting legislation. Statutory interpretation is defined as the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation.Some amount of interpretation is often necessary when a case involves a statute.Sometimes the words of a statute have a plain and a straightforward meaning. Question 4 According to the practical inclusive method of interpretation, teleological interpretation … (1) considers the circumstances which gave rise to the adoption of the legislation and the legislative history (prior legislation and preceding discussions). He was considered one of the most notable British anthropologists after the Second World War. United States), judgment, merits, icj Reports 2003, 6 November 2003, 161, at 182, para 41; icj, case concerning the Legal Consequences for States of the Continuous Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), advisory opinion, icj Reports 1971, 21 June 1971, 16, at 31 f, para 53. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree and a Master of Laws (LLM) from 4 Du Plessis “The status and role of legislation in South Africa as a constitutional democracy: some exploratory observations” 2011 PELJ 92 93. Contextual interpretation is a form of statutory interpretation widely used by the ECJ to override these types of problems. Write an essay of between four (4) and five (5) pages in which you discuss whether the judgment in Jaga v Dönges 1950 (4) SA 653 (A) may still be used for the interpretation of … 6 They include the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995; the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997; the Compensation for Occupational Injuries the Parties on a proposal made by counsel for South Africa at the hearing on 30 March 1965 to the effect that the Court should carry out an inspection in loco in the Territory of South West Africa and also that the Court should visit South Africa, Ethiopia and Li'beria, and one or two countries of the Court's own choosing south of the sahaka. Butterfield's Whig Interpretation is a critique of Whiggish history and its teleological interpretation of the past, it is in no way shape or form an endorsement of a teleological approach - it's a condemnation of it. The emerging view in support of the purposive or the teleological theory has been that judges do indeed have a law-making function in the process of interpretation. Up until 2001, South Africa used the “source-based approach” for taxation 7 van Staden Identification of the parties to the employment relationship: an appraisal of teleological interpretation of statutes (2017 thesis UJ) 34. O’Regan J in the case of African Christian Democratic Party v The Electoral Commission and others correctly stated that “when interpreting … Read more … Michelle du Toit received her master of laws degree from Stellenbosch University in December 2017. I have sung with the National Youth Choir of South Africa, and the West Gauteng Youth Choir, among others in South Africa, and I currently sing with the Canterbury Downtown choir in New York. The African Commission is the interpreter of the African My internship was concentrated within the OHCHR's Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme, with a secondary focus on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. It then ana- lyses whether the advent of the Constitution (The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996) has brought a paradigm shift from the strict literal approach to the purposive approach. Legal interpretation in South Africa refers to the juridical understanding of South African legislation and case law, and the rules and principles used to construct its meaning for judicial purposes. Pretoria Area, South Africa. Standard but nuanced South Africa-located accounts of interpretation identify five schools of interpretation: grammatical, systematic, teleological, historical, and comparative.5 Taking this five part set as a starting point, we can investigate their fit Read more … Michelle du Toit received her master of laws degree from Stellenbosch University in December 2017. “Customary international law cannot be interpreted because it’s not written.” I have heard this objection many times, including from the most seasoned international lawyers. The concept of well-being in the environmental right in section 24(a) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (“Constitution”) has great potential for enhancing the quality of life for people in South Africa, particularly the poor who bear the … 1 The Constitution refers to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 ( Constitution ) unless indicated otherwise. Each has a degree of merit, but some have more merit than others. Christianity - Christianity - Faith and reason: Different conceptions of faith cohere with different views of its relation to reason or rationality. Unique number:5 6180 1. [Nina Mileva and Marina Fortuna are doctoral candidates at the University of Groningen, performing research within the TRICI-Law Project. While Evans-Pritchard’s research includes numerous ethnic groups, he is best remembered for his work with the Nuer, Azande, Anuak and Shilluk in Africa. The emerging view in support of the purposive or the teleological theory has been that judges do indeed have a law-making function in the process of interpretation. (a) The long t itle appears direct ly under t he short t itle. interpretation into the idea of teleological interpretation. However, upon a purposive and teleological interpretation of sections 9 and 15(3) of the Constitution in the context of the history of marriage and domestic partnerships in South Africa, the nature of the protection in international law of the human rights to marriage, family life and non-discrimination, and the introduction of the

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