
why does scout beat up walter

3. Scout is speaking to her teacher on the first day of school. 3. 100. Later in the school yard Scout beats Walter up for looking bad in front of her new teacher. What does this incident reveal about Scout’s personality? Scout rubbed Walters nose in the dirt because he, Walter, got Scout in trouble earlier that day. More specifically Scout had explained why Walter had no lunch and would not accept borrowed money for it. Chapter 3: Who is Calpurnia and what is her place in the Finch household? Why does Scout beat up Walter in the school yard before lunch? Why has Walter been unable to pass the first grade? Why does Jem stop her? Why did Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? Chapter 3.Jean Louise catches Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard and beats him up for being the reason she got in trouble, but Jem stops her. Although Walter was innocent, Scout believes that she has to defend him with Miss Caroline who was new to Maycomb; therefore, when the teacher punishes Scout for interfering, Scout lashes out at Walter. It is gross and discourteous to … How does Scout treat Walter in Chapter 3? 13.What advice does Atticus give Scout for dealing with people she doesn’t understand? 1. What does it reveal about her role in the Finch household? Based on context clues and the sound of the word, what do you think the word “hain’t” (page 26) means? ... Tom Robinson has been found guilty of beating and raping Mayella Ewell. Walter is emaciated and starving. What does Walter due at the dinner table that Scout finds outrageous? What does Scout do to Walter Cunningham? 2. Also, when Walter Cunningham was at her house for dinner later that night, she attacked him verbally by criticizing him rudely (24). He helps in the fields during spring: Why does Scout get in trouble when Walter puts molasses on his food? Why does Scout beat up Walter in the school yard before lunch? What does this incident reveal about Scout’s personality? This was different for them to see because Walter has grown up with a poor family and is used eating that way. (p#)_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2. ... Boo was locked up in the county jail's basement. 1)Why does Scout beat up Walter? Like an adult: Why can’t Walter pass the first grade? He leaves for work and tells Atticus and Scout to stay home. Based on context clues and the sound of the word, what do you think the word “hain’t” (page 26) means? He can't go to school because he has to help on the family farm. Walter Cunningham: How does Atticus treat Walter? (Walter refuses to take the money because his family is too poor to pay it back.) Walter Cunningham lunch money, Scout is punished for trying to explain Miss Caroline's mistake to her. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9.1 . How many days does Burris Ewell attend each school year? Answers 1. Scout got in trouble for explaining why Walter couldn't borrow a quarter to buy lunch. Scout blamed Walter for her getting in trouble so she rubbed his nose in the dirt until Jem stopped her and invited Walter to dinner. This shows Scout to be feisty as well as valuing school. She can also be impulsive. Beating him up satisfied her. Why does Scout rub Walter's nose in dirt? 2. What do Atticus’s comments about the Ewell family and the law suggest about his view of justice? Chapter 3. Jem felt bad for Walter over for lunch. Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? Why has Walter been unable to pass the first grade? Scout gets in trouble because of the way she defended Walter, so she decides to get back at him by beating him up. Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer. Miss Caroline chastises Scout for her explanations. Why does Scout beat up Walter in the school yard before lunch? answer choices . Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? She explains to Jem (who calls her Scout, so we will too) what happened.The kids go back to school, and Scout … What does Walter do at dinner (our version of lunch) that surprises Scout? He got her in trouble: Who punished scout for cursing? 2. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.1 2. Jem asks Walter to "dinner" and puts molasses on his food. 1. In Chapter 2 and 3 of the book, Scout comes into conflict with Walter Cunningham. 1. 300. Jem invites Walter home to eat after he caught Scout beating him on the playground. The … Scout is a strong girl, who acts tough and isn’t afraid of much. Scout needs to realize that Walter was probably embarrassed about the whole situation. Walter pours molasses all over his food. Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer. Why was scout beating up Walter? When Scout was pushed in the tire she ended up? 2. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Uncle Jack. According to Atticus, which of the following families is a disgrace to Maycomb county? 3. Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham immediately after she tried to standup for him to Miss Caroline? Why does Scout beat up Walter? 12.Describe Burris Ewell. “Catching Walter Cunningham is the schoolyard gave me some pleasure, but when I was rubbing hes nose in the dirt Jem came by and told me stop” (22). 120 seconds . 9. Tags: Question 5 . Jean Louise catches Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard and beats him up for being the reason she got in trouble, but Jem stops her. 1. a. Jem stopped Scout and Walter from fighting and invited Walter for dinner at their house. Answers 1. This is because he made her "start off on the wrong foot" with her first grade teacher, Miss Caroline. Scout had explained Walter's "dietary affairs" to Miss Caroline. More specifically Scout had explained why Walter had no lunch and would not accept borrowed money for it. This, of course, is embarrassing to Walter. This was different for them to see because Walter has grown up with a poor family and is used eating that way. 4. Scout uses violence to relieve stress and to give her pleasure. She explains to Jem (who calls her Scout, so we will too) what happened. Jem invites Walter to come home for lunch with Scout and him. He almost died because he ate the pecans from the Radley’s house that feel onto the school yard. What does this incident reveal about Scout’s personality? 2. How does Atticus treat Walter? How does Burris Ewell respond to Miss Caroline? For example, Scout was beating up Walter Cunningham cause, “’he made me start off on the wrong foot’” (22). Ironically, it is this same Southern pride that Walter has that causes Scout to fight Walter because he has caused her to be scolded. SURVEY . Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? "Catching Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard gave me some pleasure" 2. Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? Luckily Jem is able to stop her. Jem feels badly that Scout beat Walter up. How does Walter claim he almost died his first year of school? What does it reveal about Cal’s role in the Finch family? Scout blamed Walter for her getting in trouble so she rubbed his nose in the dirt until Jem stopped her and invited Walter to dinner. Who is Walter Cunningham and what do we know about him? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer. 4. On Scout's first day of school, she attempts to stick up for Walter Cunningham Jr. during lunchtime by explaining to Miss Caroline why he will not accept her quarter. Unfortunately, Scout cannot articulate her thoughts and ends up getting punished. Following her punishment, Scout beats up Walter Cunningham Jr. ELA-LIT.W.8.9 3. Scout got in trouble for explaining why Walter couldn't borrow a quarter to buy lunch. Play this game to review Literature. Scout and Walter: Scout Finch and Walter Cunningham are classmates in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.When their teacher asks Walter why he has no lunch, Scout intercedes on Walter's behalf. Who does Scout defend from Miss Caroline and then beat up for it getting her in trouble? How does Walter claim he almost died his first year of school? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer. Chapter 2: Why is Scout so looking forward to starting school? 2)Why does Calpurnia scold Scout? In chapter 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout beats up Walter Cunningham because he got her in trouble. On Scout's first day of school, she attempts to stick up for Walter Cunningham Jr. during lunchtime by explaining to Miss Caroline why he will not accept her quarter. 10.Jem stops Scout from beating up Walter Cunningham and suggests that Walter do what? She beat him up because he “made her start off on the wrong foot” with Miss Caroline. Later he was sent home. This shows Scout to be feisty as well as valuing school. Why does Scout rub Walter's nose in dirt? He is her company and she is being rude Look up the word online. What does this reveal about Scout? Luckily Jem is able to stop her. Q. 3. He almost died because he ate the pecans from the Radley’s house that feel onto the school yard. Why does Scout beat up Walter in the school yard before lunch? What does this suggest about Atticus’s character? 300. What does this reveal about Scout? Why does scout think Boo Radley is still alive? On Scout's first day of school, she attempts to stick up for Walter Cunningham Jr. during lunchtime by explaining to Miss Caroline why he will not accept her quarter. What does this incident reveal about Scout’s person-ality? Later, she got in a fight with her cousin Francis because he made fun of her and her family (82-83). Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? A novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological and intellectual development of a youthful main character., Why does Scout beat up Cecil Jacobs? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer. Scout got in trouble for beating up Walter because Walter didn’t have a quarter to buy lunch so Scout blamed Walter for getting her in trouble and she rubbed his nose in the dirt. ELA-LIT.RL.8.1 2. Tags: Question 7 . This shows examples of how Scout consently gets in fights with other characters. SURVEY . Why does the Radley place fascinate Jem, Scout, and Dill? What frightens Miss Caroline in this chapter? Why does Jem stop her? , When Scout and Jem learn about Atticus taking the Tom Robinson case., A symbol for communication 11.Back at school, what frightens Miss Caroline? How does Walter claim he almost died his first year of school? Following her punishment, Scout beats up Walter Cunningham Jr. Unfortunately, Scout cannot articulate her thoughts and ends up getting punished. This, of course, is embarrassing to Walter. What do you think of Miss Caroline Fisher as a teacher? Why does … She beat him up because he “made her start off on the wrong foot” with Miss Caroline. Support your answer with a quote from the text. Why does Jem stop her? What does Walter Cunningham pour all over his food? What does this incident reveal about Scout’s personality? What is Walter Cunningham like? ELA-LIT.RL.8.1 CHAPTER 4 1. He was making fun of Atticus. Why does Jem stop her? 30 seconds . a. Walter Cunningham Sr. Walter Cunningham Sr. is Walter Cunningham Jr.'s father. She is unusually intelligent (she learns to read before beginning school), unusually confident (she fights boys without fear), unusually thoughtful (she worries about the essential goodness and evil of mankind), and unusually good (she always acts with the best intentions). Look up the word online. Scout was troubled by the fact that Walter spilled syrup all over her vegetables and meat, since she was brought up in a home that took table manners into consideration. Nov 23, 2015 - In chapter 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout beats up Walter Cunningham because he got her in trouble. What does Jem do when he sees Scout and Walter fighting? This teaches Scout a lesson in humility and compassion. How does Burris Ewell respond to Miss Caroline? Jem is just a nice dude. What does this reveal about her role in the Finch household? eating Mr. Radley's pecans. 1. She beat him up because he "made her start off on the wrong foot" with Miss Caroline. Chapter 3. Q. When the day of school started Miss Caroline tried to offer money to Walter, Scout thereafter told miss Caroline that he was just a Cunningham. Scout catches Walter on the playground, and starts to beat him up in retaliation for her How is her response a reflection of bad manners? For example she began to beat up Walter Cunningham because he didn’t stand up for himself in class. 3)What do Atticus’s comments about the Ewell family and law suggest about his view of justice? He almost died because he ate the pecans from … Scout fights with Cecil Jacobs because he insults her father for defending Tom Robinson. Cecil Jacobs is a town kid, "who lived at the far end of our street next door to the post office." Scout gets into a fight with him when he insults her father. Jem asks Walter to “dinner” and puts molasses on his food. Why does Scout beat up Walter in the school yard before lunch? Why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? Walter is invited over to the Finches' house once, after engaging in a fight with Scout, where he covers up all of his dinner with molasses, much to Scout's vocal dismay. Walter's acts go against all that Scout was taught from an early age. Why does Calpurnia scold Scout? The Ewells. According to Walter, why can’t he pass the first grade? Scout got in trouble and beat Walter. Why does Scout beat up Walter? What objects does Scout find in … To Kill a Mockingbird CHAPTER 3 DRAFT ... to spank her for beating up Walter . Why does Scout stand up for Walter in ''To Kill a Mockingbird''? Jem stopped her because it was not fair that she was bigger than him. Answered by Aslan 7 years ago 4/8/2014 3:17 PM. In the third chapter, Scout finds Walter Cunningham and begins to beat him up. Because Scout is part of the Maycomb community, she understands that the fact that Walter is a Cunningham means that he does not have any lunch or any money, and that he won’t borrow any money because he will never be able to pay it back. Scout is familiar with Walter's family from Atticus's interactions with Walter's father. He says that it took a child to bring them to their senses and that this is proof that “a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they’re still human.” Scout declares that she’s going to beat Walter up on the first day of school, which Atticus forbids. Scout is a very unusual little girl, both in her own qualities and in her social position. Why does Calpurnia scold Scout?

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