Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monsters. It's also worth mentioning that ghouls tend to create more ghouls. These are worlds where a treasure chest can be a monster that traps people with its adhesive touch and a carpet can rise up and try to strangle you. Choosing the appropriate type of foe for the players is important in setting the tone and making the players ask the right questions about what you're planning. The Epic Level Handbook was a book released for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons that detailed the most powerful monsters and spells in the game. A dracolich is essentially a more powerful version of the dragon that it was before. Flying snakes are a low-level challenge. Grimlocks are vicious and cruel but are vulnerable to light giving low-level party's an easy escape should the cramped tunnel combat with these creatures turn sour. Beyond the four courts, there are a plethora of faerie folk unaffiliated with any court, factionless or courtless as the term denotes. If you ever have a character who is slain by a flumph in battle, then you are honor-bound to give up playing Dungeons & Dragons and take up a new hobby, as you will never be able to wash away the stain of losing an adventurer to a Lawful Good smelly jellyfish. Mobile creatures who have low damage melee bites with decent poison, and NO ONE ever sees them coming. The first table is an optional modifier table, used to spice up the other three if necessary. He directly opposes just about every other deity with a presence in the Underdark. Creatures created by Paizo Publishing are presented first; creatures from 3rd Party Publishers and creatures converted from prior editions are presented second, generally in the last column. Searing Eyes: A blindheim projects searing light in a cone from its leering, bulging eyes. At least in the early editions they were. The below covers some of the most frequently encountered or important. A single mind flayer can quickly paralyze an entire adventuring party with a single psionic ability or spell, which will allow it to feast upon their brains at their leisure. The remaining three detail the upper, middle and deeper levels of the Underdark. Kuo-toa were normally 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall and weighed approximately 160 pounds (73 kilograms). They count creatures like the Balor among the ranks, which are based on the Balrog from The Lord of the Rings (which is what they were originally called before a lawsuit from the Tolkien estate forced a name change) and it is just as deadly. The following are 10 foes that are perfect for your would-be adventurers to sharpen their skills and hone their battle prowess on. The average human could be taken down by a cat. There is another parallel universe, called the "Underdark". Always hungry, traveling in packs, hiding in shadows, scampering around, and flanking their soon to be meals. There are easy enough ways to insert them, but they are fantastic low-level enemies when on a quest in the Underdark. Don’t forget to check out Aquatic Monster & Hero Race Options if you are looking for new player options for your campaign. Drow have many enemies competing with them in the Underdark Drow are an evil race in Dungeons and Dragons. . A mind flayer stands around the same height as a human, typically between 5'4\" and 6'2\", having humanoid shape and narrow build. The reason why dragons are so powerful is due to their high stats, absurdly high number of hit points, deadly breath weapon, and their ability to cast spells in the same manner as a powerful sorcerer. This is your average low-level street thug with a knife in their hand looking for a little extra coin. Mind flayers are considered to be one of the most disliked creatures in all of Dungeons & Dragons. Which of these monsters would you like to face? A little sneaking and ambushing action on the ghouls part followed by a fight can make a fantastic night encounter. When Borys was slain during the events of the Prism Pentad novel series, it meant that no living dragons existed in Athas. No known creatures (animal, plant, lichen, fungus, undead, or other) can survive of faerzress or require it. INTRODUCTION Edit. Post by Coronoides » Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:47 am. Kobolds have existed since the creation of Dungeons & Dragons, where they introduced as being an even weaker alternative to goblins. Drow have many enemies competing with them in the Underdark Drow are an evil race in Dungeons and Dragons. Sneaking up close using the foliage to attack unwary adventurers at night, then breaking away into the bushes to attack again in a few short moments. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Following the theme of Underdark creatures to fill the gaps in D&D 5e’s Monster Manual, I also adapted the Sinsiter and Night Hunter (from the 3.5e supplement/monster compendium Monsters of Faerûn).. Usually when I adapt or modify creatures from other editions I do change the CR if I feel the creature is either too strong or too weak to be the CR they were previously. There is a 5e underdark random encounter generator at ChaosGen. Lore of the Underdark. Lords of Madness, page 4 The illithid, commonly known as the mind flayer, is an aberrant humanoid best recognized by its tentacled mouth, which it uses to suck out and consume humanoid brains. RELATED: 10 Hints In D&D That A DM Should Never Give A Party. The standard demilich casts spells as if it were a 21st level wizard and can attempt to steal the souls of those that it looks at. Arachne can be up to 7-8 feet tall and almost as wide. I've told my players that the Underdark has a surface level, but that it is deserted and desolate. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. A lot of creatures on this list are smart enough that a good bard might be able to sing a tune or crack a joke toavoid combat altogether. Kuo-toa (pronounced: /k uː oʊˈt oʊ ɑː/ koo-o-TO-a), also known as gogglers and men-fish, were a debased, piscine race of warm-blooded and amphibious creatures that dwelt in the Underdark. These aberrants abhor most humanoids and fight with a belief that their home was taken from them unjustly. The brain-eating Mind Flayers and all-powerful Beholders claim this area as their home along with the Drow and Duergar races. Monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game are generally the antagonists which players must fight and defeat to progress in the game. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Add in some spellcasting abilities, if the drider was a spellcaster before being transformed into a monstrosity. This results in the rat's brain becoming visible, as it now emanates a pulse of light. Bear Creatures: Black bear, brown bear, cave bear, polar bear Strategy: Making another guest appearance, bears should not pose any problem. In the instance where the creature neither has a light ability nor Blindsense, it only makes the Ranger invisible and no others. The Monster Manual and other similar books have used pretty much every creature from Greek mythology at this point. Many D&D worlds have massive deep systems of caves, mines and tunnels. The lemure also won't survive for long in a melee brawl, due to how easy they are to hit and how poor their accuracy is. Goblins are purposely designed to be weak and ineffective in combat so that they can fulfill their role as the tutorial battle of Dungeons & Dragons. Underdark Races. This means that your character will be enduring fifteen hits a turn, with each one possessing a +71 to hit and each hit dealing 2d6+20 damage. A group of skeletons armed with some rusty old weapons will likely prove to be challenging to a party of first-level adventurers. A teenager holding a blade in an act of defiance, too stupid to back down, not bold enough to actually fight. Weak to radiant damage and takes 1d4 radiant damage in the presence of bright light. The Underdark is a huge set of caverns, tunnels spanning the entire world, and the below tables detail some of the encounters you may have in this frightening place. Underdark Races. It only has a +3 to hit, an armor class of seven, and thirteen hit points. Something about living in the Underdark tends to make it’s inhabitants generally evil in nature. A comprehensive list of all official monsters for Fifth Edition. Crawling claws can be helpful for evil spellcasters who deal with the undead, as it can be tricky for them to acquire regular familiars, due to the fact that animals are often repelled by the smell of corpses. Those who hunt weed out the weak and strengthen the stock of all. Not to be confused with Goblins, these little dragon worshippers are a lot of fun as NPCs. Each extremity had three main digits and one opposing digit at its end. Creatures with the upper torso of a humanoid and lower torso of a spider. The version of the hecatoncheires that appears in Dungeons & Dragons are abominations that are formed from the fusion of one-hundred beings. ... Marvin turned and noticed that Kate seemed a bit weak. Jacob Bourque is a space pirate who has been stranded on earth after his ship maintained catastrophic damage. RELATED: DC Comics: 10 Best Magical Crossover Events Ever. They aren't necessarily evil, can be reasoned with, and won't last long in a fight. Using tactics won't help you against the Tarrasque, as it is too big and strong to be defeated with trickery. They are versatile, skeletons being quick and nimble with their dangerous damage-dealing blades. Throwing Creatures. This creature is an engine of destruction and it can crush entire cities in a single rampage. Drow society. The most powerful version of the titans is the elder titan, which is detailed in the Epic Level Handbook. Either way, this humble entry shouldn't be overlooked, they're only a bland encounter if you choose to make them so. They generally travel in packs, so when a hero spots one, it means there are likely several more hiding nearby becoming bolder and more ravenous. Also, expect moss and algae, even grass or shrubs sprouting anywhere there are long-term light-sources, even weak ones. It's easy enough to have one of these creatures plaguing a local town digging up their graveyard for food at night. The full size of this watery expanse has never been explored, for the darkness hides rocky stalagmites rising up from the depths. Its head resembles an octopus, with four writhing tentacles where its mouth is. Dire creatures are intended to be larger and meaner versions of their regular counterparts, which is why you often see them appearing in low-level adventures. Fractious in groups and individually weak, derro would have been driven to extinction long ago but for two elements of their character. When determining the strongest and weakest monsters in the history of Dungeons & Dragons, we decided to disqualify any beings with divine powers, such as Gods, as well as unique characters, such as Acererak or Strahd. There are no dragons born on the world of Athas. The first one to fall may cause the rest to flee, or maybe the fifth one will, it all depends on how well the party is doing. This should be familiar to everyone, as even those who don't play D&D have an idea of what these guys are. A choker is ideally suited to hunting in the Underdark, preying on intelligent creatures of significant size. Defeating a prismatic dragon would also represent the ultimate challenge for the actual players, as they would likely expire from old age before rolling all of the dice necessary to finish an encounter with the creature. 10 Of The Most Cliche Ways To Start A D&D Campaign, 9 Things You Didn’t Know About D&D Beyond, 10 Hints In D&D That A DM Should Never Give A Party, Marvel Comics: 10 Best Magical Crossover Events Ever, DC Comics: 10 Best Magical Crossover Events Ever, 10 Successful Character Builds In D&D For Beginning Players, 10 Superheroes You Didn't Know Were Jewish, High Evolutionary: 10 Reasons Why He's Marvel's Strangest Villain, Suicide Squad: The First 10 Members Who Died (& How), 10 Comic Characters We Hope To See Added To The MCU Avengers, Boruto: 5 Characters That Became Irrelevant (& 5 That Thrived In The Sequel), Black Cat Jumps Into a Solid Relaunch Against the King in Black, Dark Nights: Death Metal #6 Forges the Future of the DC Universe, SWORD #1 Goes Beyond Dawn of X and Into Marvel's Cosmos, Review: The O.Z. He has previously written articles and video scripts for websites like Cracked, Dorkly, Topless Robot, and TopTenz. An avangion resembles a mixture between a grey alien and a butterfly. Underdark Ocean There is an underground ocean which seems to separate the West Canus Underdark from the East. 3: Unintelligent creature: A wandering behir. Here are some monsters for low lever adventurers. The demilich also possesses the standard undead immunities, which means that it resists or is immune to most common forms of damage. Wild-haired, haggard, shuddering, and shabbily dressed, a lone derro seems a pitiable creature, but when a cackling, spitting, growling, howling horde of them attacks, the sight inspires both fear and revulsion. These creatures scour dungeon passages in silent, predictable patterns, leaving perfectly clean paths in their wake. These poor stats mean that the lemure won't be giving you any trouble in combat, as even a mob of them can be easily outrun and picked off with ranged weapons. Orange: OK options, or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances. Note that the Underdark accessory says many such lifeforms require faerzress radiation for sustenance, this is incorrect. We are here today to rank the best and the worst among the monsters that you can battle in Dungeons & Dragons. The Drow of the Underdark. False worshipers are sometimes rewarded by it, occasionally even with permanent magical boons, but they might just as well be devoured by the Elder Eye without a second thought. Assassins Creed: 5 Ways Eivor Is the Coolest New Assassin (& 5 It's Bayek). Goblins can be pretty much anything to anyone, a pack of nasty tunnel dwellers, an organized hit and run ambush force, or a clandestine group of city thieves. You might think that a floating skull would be easy to smash to pieces, but you would be wrong, as demiliches are some of the most resilient creatures in the game. When a lich has existed for long enough, they will lose the need to maintain a full skeletal body and will transfer all of their power into their skull. Goblins and kobolds to be trained, as they are n't necessarily evil can! Spiders and other similar books have used pretty much every creature from Greek mythology at this point the of! And wo n't be long before they are fantastic low-level enemies when on a whole different level and n't... In many Dungeons & Dragons introduced as being an undead creature, can. To mention the terrifying Underdark sea creatures waiting with hungry mouths for to... Have massive deep systems of caves, mines and tunnels with dangers unlike any on Canus ’ known.. As if they were animated from most frequently encountered or important your will... 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